18 november 2020 - Forest extreme events - Possible insurance schemes for Trentino-Alto Adige

The third meeting event, on November 18th 2020 consisted of a round table presentation and a short facilitated discussion. The full webinar program is reported below. The main goal was to provide further information on the private and public perception regarding risks on possible scenarios that may affect important hazards like fire or wind. To achieve this goal different risks’ maps and modelling techniques (also effects on Ecosystem services were showed. Risk scenarios including climate change were compared to perceived hazards starting a discussion on insurance schemes. After the plenary session, the audience was split into groups and this allowed for a detailed and stimulating discussion about the possible schemes that could be applied locally and at national and international level. Each group was encouraged to express their opinions regarding the strength and the weakness of different possibilities and the discussion was very practical and effective. The results from survey, from risk modelling, and examples of existing forest insurance in Europe were presented. Regarding the risk models an updated version of the risk models that were presented at the 29 July webinar was illustrated. This included an updated version of the avalanche and landslide maps that covered both Trento and South Tyrol territory and, in particular, the new refined versions of the Fire risk model and Storm risk model that described in detail at the beginning of this document. Present 2020 (figure 3) and Future 2040 (figure 4) scenarios derived using the Fire risk model were presented highlighting that fire risk will increase considerably in the future. The risk mapping and modelling was presented in detail during the meeting and helped to address also many question that came from the previous meetings. It was also useful to highlight how much the future risk modelling can diverge from the present perceived risks. The results of the modelling allowed to highlight the impact that Climate change may have on the resilience of the forest. Two representatives of the Forest Services of the Province of Bolzano and of the Province of Trento also contributed to the meeting offering a presentation describing the local forest situation of the two province with particular regard to different damages occurred to forests. The total number of participants was 54 although some people were connected in groups from their office, thus the number of participants was slightly higher. The variety of participants was remarkable, for example there were: forest owners, associations of forest owners, forest offices of municipalities or mountain communities, forestry companies, provincial services, insurance and reinsurance companies (international insurers and reinsurers). The facilitated discussion was structured in small groups. All the groups were divided in breakout rooms (about 12 participants each). One of the groups was expressly created for not Italian speaking participants and it was held in English. Taking advantage of the presence of national and internationals insurers and reinsurers this discussion group was used also to validate a preliminary prototype at international level. All the groups were stimulated around some key questions: i) Which examples of forest insurance schemes presented seem to be implemented in Trentino - Alto Adige (Trentino - South Tyrol)? ii) Under what conditions (e.g. regulatory, economic, ...) would you subscribe to a forest insurance scheme? iii) What availability and on what aspects would you like to collaborate? The participants could contribute to the discussion by expressing their ideas or by writing notes on a shared whiteboard (“sticky notes” in in Miro®). All notes were analyzed and summarized and this approach allowed to extract a series of key points emerged in the webinar concerning the characteristics of a potential forest insurance scheme. .

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Holistic Resilience 2020/2021