15 december 2020 - Final Webinar of EIT Climate KIC project “Holistic Resilience”
The fourth and final event was open to the public and its aim was to reach a larger and more diverse public and to stimulate further processes and actions. A couple of possible prototype insurance schemes and models that resulted from the previous meetings and discussions were presented to a larger audience.
The event attracted many relevant entities and organizations, both at local and governmental level that represented the national and regional realities (84 participants).
The director of the Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forest Policies MIPAAF - Directorate of Forest participated in the meeting as well as the forest services of The Province of Trento and of the Province of Bolzano, but there were also many participants from Forest services and Civil Protection of other Italian regions and from the world of enterprises, insurance, research and education as well as citizens interested in the process. The full program is provided here below.
A round table was organized, including the following national and regional entities:
- Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forest Policies MIPAAF - Directorate of Forest
- Forest Services of the Trento Province
- Forest Services of the Bolzano Province
- UNCEM (Unione Nazionale Comuni Comunità Enti Montani - National Union of Municipalities and Mountain Authorities)
- Federforeste (Italian Federation of Forest communities)
- PEFC-Italia (Italian association for the Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification schemes)
- Istituto di Servizi per il Mercato Agricolo Alimentare (ISMEA)
- Associazione Nazionale Condifesa (ASNACODI)
- SISEF (Italian Society of Silviculture and Forest Ecology)
The Round table was followed by an open discussion and the event resulted in a conversation in which the schemes developed and the other results from the project were discussed and examined in the framework of a wider regional and national context. This was also very useful as a test to check the feasibility of many of the ideas and proposals of the project.